Hundreds of Wilmington locals protest Roe V. Wade’s overturning

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — More than 200 people gathered by the New Hanover County Courthouse Friday after a lifechanging announcement that morning.

Men and women of all ages gathered to protest after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, meaning abortions are no longer federally guaranteed.

While North Caroline has no trigger laws, laws banning abortion this ruling would trigger, many, like protester Joanne Levitan worry what this could mean for future generations.

“My mother-in-law is no longer with us and didn’t have that choice. She could afford to go to Puerto Rico,” Levitan explained in front of a large crowd. “And if she was living today, she’d be distraught at the fact that we have to fight this fight all over again.”

That rally was organized by WOW, Women Organizing for Wilmington.

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