Pro-life advocates celebrate US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade

As news of the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade came down, some pro-life advocates in New Jersey gathered for a rally in Morristown to celebrate the decision.

News 12 Staff

Jun 24, 2022, 4:44 PM

Updated 707 days ago


As news of the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade came down, some pro-life advocates in New Jersey gathered for a rally in Morristown to celebrate the decision.
“We are just thrilled. It was just a bad law to begin with. It never should have happened. We’re so thankful to the Supreme Court and to God for letting them see that and overturn this ruling,” says Lisa Hart, of the group Right to Life.
The group sang songs, said prayers and held up signs to mark the occasion. Some said that overturning the decision has been years in the marking.
“We’ve been looking forward to the time when we recognize that a child in the womb is seen as a person,” says Christopher Bell, of Good Counsel Homes.
The group was met with cheers and jeers from passersby. One Morristown resident who was not in agreement with the decision hung a sign out from her window and shouted, “We don’t want you here,” at the group.
“I feel really bad for people who are upset that children in the womb aren’t valued or looked at as a loving human being. And for those who are angry, I say, ‘I’m sorry you feel what way,’” Bell says.
The decision doesn't make abortions illegal. It allows states to move to ban the procedure, which several states already have.
“Human life begins at conception. It's human no matter what stage of development it's in. We believe it should always be protected,” says Hart. “New Jersey - we have huge battles. It's not over in New Jersey.”
Another pro-life rally is planned for Saturday in Trenton at the New Jersey State House.

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