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FDA-approved weight loss medications & UltraSlim therapy with Everest Medical Weight Loss

Sponsored by Everest Medical Weight Loss

ALTOONA, Pa. (WTAJ) — Dr. Alan Kanouff, a pulmonologist, talks about the importance of healthy living and weight loss to help you be the best version of yourself. Everest Medical Weight Loss wants to help you achieve your goals.

Everest Medical Weight Loss is a weight loss clinic located in Altoona, Pa.  They specialize in helping patients lose weight with medications, diet, and exercise.  Dr. Kanouff talks about the UltraSlim red light therapy that can help you achieve your goals even faster.

Studio 814’s Morgan Koziar sits down with Dr. Kanouff to hear about combination packages where patients are seeing great results — patients get 6 UltraSlim treatments and they also get 6 appointments with the nurse practitioner on staff. The nurse practitioner works with patients to find FDA-approved medicines that combined with the UltraSlim red light therapy can help both men and women reach their goals.

The UltraSlim uses a special patented type of light to stimulate and shrink fat cells. The treated fat cells respond by opening temporary pores in the cell membrane and emptying the fat cell contents, releasing all of that stubborn fat you just can’t seem to get rid of, without dieting or exercise.  Diet and exercise can enhance the effects as well as allow you to tone areas.

Kanouff says patients can lose 2-inches after just their first treatment. The before-and-after photos really tell the story. Dr. Kanouff and his wife Melody are local to Central Pennsylvania and love the area and the people. As a pulmonologist, Dr. Kanouff says that many of the patients he treats have issues due to weight and that’s why he wanted to find a way to help them lose the excess weight and keep it off.

Red light therapy has also been used to help treat pain and inflammation for many years, says Kanouff. In fact, there are many studies on the beneficial effects it has on inflammation which in turn, helps with pain relief.  The effect for many can be instant.