NSB approves better deal from late bid

By John Miller, 06/24/22 3:07 PM

ROSSTON – At the May meeting of the Nevada School Board, it was decided to buy an 2023 Chevrolet lift bus for $82,000.

However, the day after the meeting, a second bid arrived for a 2023 Ford lift bus for $74,000. Superintendent Roy McCoy said the two vehicles are virtually identical as far as specifications and the district’s needs. He suggested the board rescind the bid for the Chevy and, instead, accept the one for the Ford. The board agreed. This bus will be purchased primarily with special education funds.

The board was also informed the district got a clean audit for the 2020-21 school year, with only one finding, that being segregation of duties, which is found in pretty much every district in the state as schools can’t afford to hire enough personnel to meet the requirements.

In addition, the board approved policy changes from the Arkansas School Board Association, adding a local policy, which was approved by the district’s Personnel Policy Committee (PPC) on unused personal leave. Under the old policy, teachers could accrue five days with a use it or lose it policy and some carried their five days over to the next year, taking them requiring the district to find and hire substitute teachers. The change now moves all days over five to sick days as teachers can accrue up to 90 sick days. McCoy said it costs the district $100 a day for subs and this is less expensive.

Changes to the student handbook were also accepted, as were contract addendums for extra duties and unused leave.

A bid was accepted for a 2018 Ford Expedition which will be traded in for an eight-passenger sport utility vehicle. Cavanaugh Hyundai had the low bid with a 2023 Palisade at $16,000 with the trade-in. McCoy said he double-checked to make sure the price will remain fixed as the vehicle will have to be ordered.

The board approved a transfer out of the district with a 3-2 vote.

In personnel, the board approved hiring Ashley Russell to work in the cafeteria, and reduced the days on Counselor Lindsey Moss’s contract from 2220 days to 210 at her request.