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You Can Sit On Swings & Play In A Foam Pit Pool At This New Dallas Bar

This pop-up bar is a tropical adult playground! 🌴

A woman poses on the swing set at Hero Off Season. Right: A woman poses in the foam pit "pool" at Hero Off Season.

A woman poses on the swing set at Hero Off Season. Right: A woman poses in the foam pit "pool" at Hero Off Season.

Texas Staff Writer

Each sport has an off-season, and this sports bar has transformed into an awesome tropical adult playground for the summer.

The popular Dallas haunt Hero is currently called Hero Off Season. For now, it's not the ultimate spot to watch any sports game in the city, but rather an immersive, beachy oasis that's like a vacation without leaving the city.

There, you can choose to relax in the stress-free party environment and just order a few apps and drinks, or to immerse yourself in all the activities offered at the pop-up bar.

Between the swing set, the "pool" which is actually just a foam pit for adults, the "poolside" DJ booth and the fun beach decor, there is so much summer fun to be had here.

The well-known sports bar has traded in draft beers and huge burgers for fruity tropical cocktails and fresh shrimp ceviche.

There are 5 different frozen drink flavors and a full list of fun cocktails like one that actually bubbles when served to you.

The place offers great photo ops like an actual jet ski or a massive beach chair.

You can escape to this beach getaway all day long on the weekends, or if you'd rather squeeze in a quick trip after work on Fridays it opens at 7 p.m.

Hero Off Season

Price: 💸💸

Cuisine: Tropical

Address: 3090 Olive St, Dallas, TX 75219

Why You Need To Go: It's like an escape to the beach right in the middle of Dallas!


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