A North Texas man had to fend off his pet emu with a pool noodle while mowing his lawn and the TikTok video has gone viral with more than 1.5 million views.

Toby and Michelle Wilson have been the proud parents of Cosmo and Rocky, their two pet emus they've raised since they were hatched, for about five years. Now, Cosmo and Rocky are the proud parents of their own baby, Pebbles.

Since the birth of Pebbles, Cosmo has been a bit more aggressive when it comes to protecting the baby.

Michelle likes to record their adventures and post the videos to TikTok under the name txmudwife. She recently uploaded a video of Toby mowing the lawn and using a pool noodle for defense.

"This emu doesn't stand a chance today!!! Cosmo doesn't like the hat"

@txmudwife This Emu doesn’t stand a chance today!! Cosmo doesn’t like the hat!!! #fyp #foryourpage #noodleman #rockyandcosmo #texasemu #libertymutual #texas #noodlehat #lawnmowerman #ellen #notkaren #limuemu #diypoolnoodle #diynoodlecraft #poolnoodle #grasscutting #mowing #emumowing #emus #husqvarna #orangetractor #justsayno #getoutofmyway #viralhog #cantmakethisup #emuchasinglawnmower #emujumping #dukesofhazzard #foryourentertainment #fye #justforyou #texasemus #dangerzone #tomcruise #topgun #jousting ♬ Danger Zone (From "Top Gun" Original Soundtrack) - Kenny Loggins

Apparently Cosmos doesn't like the hat Toby wears, a cowboy hat with a pool noodle sown into it crafted by Michelle as a deterrent to keep Cosmo from biting him only it seems to get Cosmo riled up even more. Toby takes another pool noodle with him to fend off Cosmos from any surprise attack the emu has planned.

Toby tells CNN, "I turn my back and then wham, he bites me rights me on top of the head, and it hurts pretty good, I tell him look bird, you better get away. Don't do it. Don't do it. I'm going to give you the noodle."

The videos are funny and have attracted a pretty large following on the social media platform TikTok.

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