Child care assessment surveys being taken by ECCYWK

The Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson Counties (ECCYWK) works to increase the quality, accessibility, capacity, and affordability of early childhood programs across the three counties. To that end, the Council is trying to determine what the child care needs are in each of itslocal communities. They would like parents/families, businesses, and community members to fill out the following surveys:



Needs Assessment surveys are a way to direct a program in the right direction and they play a part in helping programs make sound decisions which can be beneficial to those they provide services to.

The ECCYWK wants to thank folks in advance for taking a few minutes of their day to provide them with valuable information.

The survey is open until June 30.

The Early Childhood Council for Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson Counties is funded by the State of Colorado Department of Human Services Early Care and Learning, Buell Foundation, Anschutz Foundation, Quick Foundation, Colorado Health Foundation, Yuma County Human Services, Kit Carson County Human Services, and Washington County Human Services.

To find out more about child care providers and early educators in Yuma, Washington, and Kit Carson counties call ECCYWK at 970-360-9099, visit the website at, or find them on Facebook.

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