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Students learn life saving skills in Beeville summer camp

From CPR to 'Stop the Bleed' skills, kids aged between seven and 17 are taking advantage of a free class over the summer.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Students were able to learn valuable skills as part of a course offered at Angel Care Services. 

Madison Cano and Junior Esquivel are two of the many students who listened, learned and practiced life-saving skills through the course. 

Mickie Trevino is the instructor and co-owner of Angel Care Services. She's teaching children the Heimlich, bandaging, and CPR. Trevino said in her classes she asks the students questions and they answer every time.

"So that tells me that they you know, they're soaking it in, but not only with the verbal lectures and all that good stuff," Trevino said. "I want them to come and actually come out here and perform those skills."

With the students still taking the time to process what happened in Uvalde, Trevino said she wants them to known that an emergency situation can happen anywhere, at any time. 

"Prepare them, make them aware of the situation. You know it breaks my heart that we have to do this for the children," Trevino said. 

She added that even though children are home for the summer, accidents can still happen. 

"We want them to stay calm, you know, easier said than done, but to stay calm. And whatever I've taught them here, I want them to use those skills," Trevino said. 

The eight hour class is completely free, and Trevino said that she'll host more classes before the summer ends. 

Her Facebook page is linked here, where you can reach out to sign up if interested.

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