CW39 Houston

Optimizing fitness in the heat | Interview with Mike Matthews

Meteorologist Carrigan Chauvin / Mike Matthews

HOUSTON, Texas  (KIAH) - The summer heat can take a burden on our body, especially for those who are not adapted to the elevated temperatures and humidity. This time of the year encourages fitness feats such as 5Ks, 10ks, and Half and Full Marathons. This is also the time of year people are changing their diet and lifestyle to be “swimsuit ready”. External forces, such as the weather, must be considered when wanting to perform at an optimal level. Meteorologist Carrigan Chauvin speaks with Mike Matthews, a fitness professional, and author of numerous books, chapters, and scientific articles regarding diet and wellness. He even has his own supplement line, Legion Athletics. Mike is also from Florida, which gives him first-hand experience of what it is like training day in and day out in the heat.  

How much water should I drink?

Should I supplement with electrolytes and other sports drinks?

Does the sun/ vitamin D aid in muscle growth/recovery?

Is the heat or cold more taxing on the body?

What are the dangers behind the weekend warrior mindset? Better approaches to fitness and health in the heat.

How to ADAPT to the heat effectively and safely for your job/ lifestyle.