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You may see a disruption in service from KIII-TV soon. Here's why.

Certain areas will be more impacted than others, but the hope is that any signal disruptions will be brief. Cable viewers will not be impacted.
Credit: KIII

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Some viewers in the KIII 3NEWS viewing area could see a disruption to their service starting at 2 p.m. Monday.

The disruption is expected to be brief. It is all part of scheduled maintenance to our tower in Petronila, Texas.

KIII 3NEWS has been a South Texas tradition for 58 years now, and in that time period we have made the change from analog to digital broadcasting. One artifact from the days of analog broadcasting is an antenna that sits atop that nearly 1,000 foot transmission tower in Petronila, Texas.

The antenna has been there for 20 years, and KIII 3NEWS has decided to bring it down.

While it currently sits secure in its place atop the Petronila tower, the aging antenna could one day become a threat during severe tropical weather. This drove the decision to remove the antenna rather than wait for it to become a concern.

It will be a difficult process. The antenna weighs 40,000 pounds, and on Sunday the tower was switched to auxiliary power for workers to begin its removal. That work continues, and that is why you may see disruptions in service over the following days.

These service disruptions will only be felt by those who watch over the air via antenna. Certain areas will be more impacted than others, but the hope is that any signal disruptions will be brief.

Cable viewers will not be impacted.

As 3News receives more information about the exact timing of these disruptions, we'll get the word out to you online and on our app.

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