Correction to: Molecular Psychiatry, published online 2 May 2022

Incorrect search terms listed in the methods section of the published article: retinal OR retina OR optical coherence tomography AND schizophrenia OR psychosis.

Correct search terms that should be listed:

(“retina” OR “retinal” OR “optical coherence”) and (“schizophrenia” OR “psychosis”).

In the methods section, we also found the following errors.

Incorrect sentences: Quality and bias of risk assessment.

Correct sentences; Quality and risk of bias assessment.

Incorrect sentences: Two independent raters (HK and GO) evaluated the quality of the 24 studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis using the NOS.

Correct sentences: Two independent raters (HK and GO) evaluated the quality of the 23 studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis using the NOS.

In addition, we found the errors in the numbers of OCT listed in “optic cup volume” and “macular GCL-IPL thickness” and description of the statistical results of OCT listed in “Cup-to-disc area ratio” in Table 4. A marked-up version Table 4 with the corrections is attached. The authors would like to apologize for the errors sincerely. 

Table 4 Meta-regression analysis results of the optic disc parameters and macular GCL-IPL thickness.

The original article has been corrected.