Laura Bruneau, Ph.D., professor of counselor education and program chair counselor education and supervision, will begin her term as president-elect for the Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education and Supervision on July 1, 2022. She will move into the president’s role in July 2023.

Mari Centeno, Ph.D., professor of political science, revived her podcast with former student Mariah McDermott, Class of 2020.  The podcast covers women –especially unruly women– and politics. “Unruly with Mari C” can be found on Spotify on and several other podcast apps.

Sara Erdner, Ph.D., assistant professor of coaching, will facilitate a master class for the United States Center for Coaching Excellence from June 8 through June 10. The title of her presentation is, “What did you need from your coach but didn’t receive? Athletes’ thoughts on best coaching practices. The audience will be national and international coaches, coach educators, and sport scholars.

Curtis Garcia, Ph.D., associate professor and School of Education director was recently appointed to serve on the governing board for Regional Educational Lab Central, a subsidiary of the Institute for Education Sciences division of the U.S. Department of Education. Visit Dr. Curtis Garcia USDE Regional Lab for more information.

George McConnell, assistant professor of theatre, created a performance, F**k Yeah, with current and former theatre students that was selected for the Denver Fringe Festival at the end of June. For more information, visit Denver Fringe Festival.