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These Custom Tiny Homes In Alabama Cost Less Than $100K & Look Like Mini Penthouses (PHOTOS)

You can even use it as a houseboat...

One of the customizable tiny container homes for sale in Mobile, Alabama.

One of the customizeable tiny container homes for sale in Mobile, Alabama.

Texas Staff Writer

We've seen pint-sized houses of all types pop up around the United States in the past decade. It seems people just can't get enough of finding innovative ways to live in closer quarters to save money.

These custom tiny homes built in Mobile, Alabama are no different. With a sleek, modern look and all the contemporary vibes of a luxury South Beach Miami apartment, they're sold for a starting price of $98,000.

The container-style homes are made completely to your liking, meaning you pick a specific floor plan, exterior colors, walls, and flooring, but you're definitely guaranteed 320 sq. ft. of minimalist bliss.

Near floor-to-ceiling, sliding glass windows are added to each house, for a cool reflective window look in the middle of the forest.

One of the custom tiny houses.One of the custom tiny houses.Tiny House Listings

Most floor plans include a bedroom space, a living room with a kitchenette, and a bathroom if you choose to use it as a home. However, these units are multi-use and can function as an office, a backyard studio (if it's legal in your state), and even a houseboat.

It also honestly looks like it could be a base on Mars one day.

An office setup inside one of the tiny homes. Right: A view of one of the minimalistic homes at night.An office setup inside one of the tiny homes. Right: A view of one of the minimalistic homes at night.Tiny House Listings

Clean, monochromatic hallways lead you to each room of the container home, further giving you that minimal contemporary feel.

The bathroom, of course, matches the futuristic elements of each pod. There's a toilet, shower, and sink fit for the space age by the looks of it.

An example of a bathroom inside the tiny homes.An example of a bathroom inside the tiny homes.Tiny House Listings

These may come from Alabama, but the tiny homes can be shipped anywhere. Once ordered, they apparently only take 12 weeks to complete, and shipping is free.

One of the finished container homes being transported on a truck.One of the finished container homes being transported on a truck.Tiny House Listings

You're getting an ultra-modern bang for a modest buck in no time.

South Beach Contemporary Container Tiny Home

Price: $98,000+

Neighborhood: Mobile, AL

Description: Sleek, modern tiny container homes that are completely customizable for an affordable price.

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