
KFDX Sports Director saves child on busy street

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX/KJTL) — Not all heroes wear capes. In fact, some wear jackets and ties and give you the latest Texoma sports news on TV every night.

Tobin McDuff on Brook Avenue Monday afternoon, taken by a passing witness

Our very own KFDX Sports Director Tobin McDuff was spotted in the community on Monday afternoon, May 23, putting himself in harm’s way to protect a vulnerable child in danger of serious injury.

A witness said it happened while they were driving down Brook Avenue in Wichita Falls.

According to the witness, they saw Tobin run into oncoming traffic on Brook Avenue and scoop a small child who was in the middle of the street.

The witness was able to quickly photograph the outcome of the incident as they passed by the scene of what could have been a horrible accident.

Although the circumstances that led to the small child being in the street are unclear at this time, based on the witness’ account of the events that transpired, Tobin very likely saved the child’s life, or at the very least protected them from suffering serious injuries.

Whatever the case may be, Good Samaritans looking out for their fellow Texomans deserve to be highlighted.