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Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Filming In North Carolina Right Now At This Charming Beach Town

You could run into him while walking on the pier. 🌊

​Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt puts up a rock and roll hand gesture. Right: Frying Pan restaurant on the beach at Southport, North Carolina.

Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt puts up a rock and roll hand gesture. Right: Frying Pan restaurant on the beach at Southport, North Carolina.

Georgia Contributing Writer

Southport, North Carolina, is the current filming location for The Problem With Providence, a dark comedy starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lily James.

According to the Wilmington Regional Film Commission's website, the film is currently in the production phase.

A local casting call reveals that production in North Carolina will be shot over the course of one month, which started on May 9 and will continue into early June.

In addition to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lily James, the list of known cast members include Joey Lauren Adams from Dazed and Confused and Himesh Patel from Yesterday and Station Eleven.

You can find them at many different spots around the beach town, such as Potter’s Seafood, Riverside Motel, Southport Ferry Terminal, Mullett Bar, and even the city pier.

Southport Ace Hardware and Edgewater 122 are also set locations reportedly named where you can see the stars.

Some existing businesses will remain unchanged. However, according to Port City Daily, set designers will transform other locations.

It's suggested that they'll make a coffee shop out of Lantana's Gallery and covert the Trolly Stop to become a diner. The International Longshoremen’s Association might look like a police department on-screen.

The award-winning actor posted a short Instagram video just days before filming. In the brief clip, the actor smiles into the camera as the beach waves crash behind him.

Southport is a popular filming destination due to its picturesque landscape, as well as its industry resources.

The town's website has a dedicated map with a self-guided walking tour of popular filming locations.

Past productions that shot at this charming North Carolina town include A Walk To Remember, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Secret Life of Bees, and Nicholas Spark's Safe Haven.

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