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You Can Get Lost In An Enchanted Lavender Garden At This Texas Farm Right Now

It's a purple paradise!

A woman holds a bouquet of lavender picked at Lavender Ridge Farms. Right: A woman at Lavender Ridge Farms.

A woman holds a bouquet of lavender picked at Lavender Ridge Farms. Right: A woman at Lavender Ridge Farms.


You may have noticed your flower beds looking a little parched these past couple of weeks, thanks to the sweltering heatwaves.

Much to a home gardener's dismay, many flowers can't seem to make it through a Lone Star State summer, except for a chosen few.

Lavender Ridge Farm, a Texas lavender farm has that all figured out.

The farm is located right outside of Dallas, and it has a field full of the iconic purple flowers that bloom from late May to July. You can even stroll through the lush gardens to pick and take them home with you.

Well, you can do that during any normal year, at least; unfortunately, this year, the farm's website says they replanted all of the lavender, so they need some more time to grow before they're cut.

You can still roam the fields, however, you can't touch the flowers.

That's alright, though, there are plenty of other gardens to see with native perennials and bearded Irises blooming. Don't forget to visit the menagerie of farm animals who live there, too, including a donkey and some llamas.

There's also a canopy of huge oak trees that surround the property making you feel like you're in an enchanted garden far away from the Middle-of-Nowhere, TX.

After a morning of moseying around the pasture, the farm has a patio café that serves up some lavender-infused desserts and even a few entrees.

Order the chicken salad sandwich and you just might taste the familiar aromatic flavor you've been smelling all day!

Lavender Ridge Farms

Address: 2391 Co Rd 178, Gainesville, TX 76240

Why You Need To Go: There are endless fields of flowers to peruse through, plus a pretty cool gift shop chock full of lavender products.


This article has been updated since it was originally published on August 8, 2019.

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