Berlin Town Council aids local business, approves new home construction

The Town approved up to $17,000 in economic development assistance and incentives to help Berlin Hardware and Farm Supply resolve drainage problems. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

BERLIN, Ala. – The Berlin Town Council on Monday evening approved up to $17,000 in economic development assistance and financial incentives to help Berlin Hardware and Farm Supply alleviate drainage issues under U.S. Highway 278 into the shop’s property at the intersection of the highway and County Road 747. The resolution, passed following a public hearing at which no one spoke for or against the measure, is a “722 agreement” that allows municipalities to lend their credit or grant public funds to private entities for economic development of the community.

The council also approved the construction of four new homes on County Road 1615, a development named “Berlin Acres.” In a public hearing held before the vote, residents expressed concern over possible damage by heavy equipment on the recently repaved road, but the council determined that the developer could not be held liable for general wear on the road. A developer’s representative told the residents that the company would work with the town to resolve any issues that might arise as a result of the project.

The council gave a first reading to a proposed ordinance to allow the Town to issue business licenses. No action was taken, and the council will hold a public hearing at the next meeting, after which it plans to vote.

The council also scheduled a public hearing to talk with members of the local community about plans to build a playground on the property that houses Berlin Town Hall and the Berlin Farmers Market.

The hearing will be held on June 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Berlin Community Center with regular council meeting to follow. The public is invited to attend.

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