Local News

Nashville School District sees dramatic increase in meals being served

The Nashville School District made a change in the food services department for the 21/22 school year, as K through 12 By Elior was awarded the district’s bid.  When Superintendent Doug Graham made the recommendation to change, he said the reason was due to a declining number of students eating meals provided by the school district, even with those meals being served at no cost.  Since that change was made, the district has already seen a dramatic increase.  As of May 5th, the district has provided 154,457 breakfast meals.  That figure represents nearly 20,000 more breakfasts being served so far this year, as compared with the entire 20/21 school year.  The number of lunches served has been even more dramatic.  According to the superintendent, the district has served nearly 55,000 more meals as compared with the entire previous school year.

Looking ahead to the upcoming school year, there are several improvements already being planned.  These include additional menu offerings to the primary and elementary menus.  A “fine dining” event is in the works for the primary school, along a new featured to be offered once a month, called “Try it Tuesday”.

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