The class of 2022 is trying to soak up the few remaining days they have in high school. At this point, just about all of the school work - the heavy lifting, if you will - is done, and the seniors are trying to enjoy the time they have left to 'rule the school' with their friends. The seniors at Evansville's F.J. Reitz High School did have a unique homework assignment recently, but it didn't come from their teachers. The students challenged each other to get creative with a new end-of-the-year tradition that I hope comes back every year.

Anything But a Backpack Day

The name says it all - for one day, seniors could use 'anything but a backpack' to carry around their books and supplies. The students really put on their creativity cap for this one - coming up with vessels that I would never ever think of using. So creative, brilliant, and hilarious.

Let's Take a Look at Some of the Things They Brought

The picture up top shows some real creativity, including a wheelchair and a sweet rolling walker. I love the choice to use a folding sports chair - that one cracks me up. And how about that old school toaster oven-looking appliance.

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One of my favorite choices was also probably one of the most cumbersome - that big, yellow wheelbarrow in the picture below. There's a handheld cart from Target (we're not gonna ask how it wound up in school) and a cute little kid's shopping cart. I'm digging the Tonka truck, and the cooler is bound to keep her books cool throughout the day.

Facebook/Reitz High School
Facebook/Reitz High School

I have to give a special shout-out to the smart, funny, beautiful, caring, and creative young woman on the far right of the picture below - that's my daughter, Zoey - she brought a big pot from our kitchen. There's another cooler and what appears to be a picnic basket of some sort. How about that big white 'thing' in front? If you're thinking to yourself, "that looks like a doggone urinal," you would be correct - that is, in fact, a doggone urinal. I'm not sure where he got it (a bathroom, duh), or how he managed to get it out of the bathroom.

Facebook/Reitz High School
Facebook/Reitz High School

Let's examine the picture below. I see another big pot and another toy shopping cart. The animal carrier is a creative choice, and I'm digging the golf bag. I love the mailbox and the upside orange cone (there is no shortage of those around Evansville).

Facebook/Reitz High School
Facebook/Reitz High School

The picture below includes another one of my favorites from the day - the decision to carry your books around in a seed spreader is absolutely brilliant. The microwave was a bold move too - it's funny and creative, but I have to think it got heavy pretty quickly. I dig the big fishnets too - that's a smart choice.

Facebook/Reitz High School
Facebook/Reitz High School

What a fun twist to put on one of the final days of your high school career!

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