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You Can Rent This Hidden Gem Airbnb On Tybee Island With A Private Beach For About $50/Person

This ocean is just steps away in the back yard! 🐚 🌊

​The beach outside of the Airbnb. Right: The exterior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.

The beach outside of the Airbnb. Right: The exterior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.

Georgia Contributing Writer

Tybee Island, Georgia, is a charming coastal beach town known for its picturesque coastline and celebrity residents.

What sets this Airbnb apart from other hidden beach gems, is that you have the opportunity to enjoy the privacy of having the shore all to yourself.

The Back Beach: Hidden Gem house can accommodate up to eight guests, and the price to rent starts at $395/night. If you decided to book a getaway with your friends, it could cost as low as $50 per person a night!

This property is steps away from the ocean, where you can enjoy tranquil sunsets and salty breeze.

The sunny porch is ideal for relaxing with a view. There's deck seating and warm wood accents.

The furnished porch at the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. The furnished porch at the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. Airbnb

The airy space features natural lighting, and charming coastal elements. You'll feel right at home in this bright and colorful space.

The interior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. The interior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. Airbnb

You can wake up ready to catch the sunrise in one of the cozy bedrooms or enjoy your coffee while taking a walk along the shore.

One of the bedrooms in the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. One of the bedrooms in the Back Beach: Hidden Gem rental. Airbnb

Back River Beach is much more private than Tybee's popular South Beach, which can get busy during peak season. This hidden stretch allows for a more tranquil experience away from the crowds.

A dock on Tybee Island's Back River Beach. A dock on Tybee Island's Back River Beach. Airbnb

The serene house feels right at home in its natural surroundings and features on-site parking.

The exterior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.The exterior of the Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.Airbnb

The view from the back porch highlights the beauty of Georgia's coast. It's perfect for laying out in the sun or exploring the nearby sandbar.

The beach outside the back porch of Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.The beach outside the back porch of Back Beach: Hidden Gem Airbnb.Airbnb

Back Beach: Hidden Gem

Price: $395+/Night


Where: Tybee Island, Georgia

Why You Need To Go: This hidden gem with a private beach is super affordable for your group of friends.

Before you get going, check our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

These prices and terms of occupancy are confirmed at the time of publishing, but they can change at any time. Taxes and fees may not be included.

Narcity may receive a small commission if you buy something from this article, which was created independently by Narcity's Editorial team just for you.

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