T.J. Regional Health facing contrast dye shortage, may delay MRIs and other tests


GLASGOW, Ky. – T.J. Regional Health said it’s being affected by a global shortage of intravenous contrast used for CT scans, MRIs and more.

A release from T.J. Regional Health states the shortage of Omnipaque products, the intravenous contrast, stems from the recent COVID-19 surge in Shanghai, China. In addition to CT scans and MRIs, the contrast is also used in angiograms, cardiac catheterizations and more, according to the release.

The contrast agent is a prescription medicine that’s normally put into the body through an IV to help check organs for problems, such as infection, inflammation, cancer and other things.

T.J. Regional Health stated the shortage is expected to last several weeks and likely into the summer months. They further stated T.J. Regional Health supply chain and pharmacy teams are working to alleviate the issue by prioritizing the use of contrast currently in inventory to make sure that it is used most efficiently and for patients who have the most critical need.

Additionally, they are maximizing efforts to acquire additional inventory from manufacturers and other alternative sources.

GE Healthcare has assured healthcare organizations that the impact is temporary, according to the release. Their manufacturing facility is back open and is beginning production as allowed by local COVID-19 protocols in Shanghai.

Until the shortage is corrected, some procedures may be delayed or rescheduled, stated T.J. Regional Health. If the shortage impacts your procedure and you face a delay, please contact your provider’s office for more information.