Tips to help you protect your home from bugs

CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – 22News is working for you on tips to protect your home from bugs as the weather gets warmer.

How to keep bugs outside

TIP #1: Store your trash properly. We all know it is easy to leave the trash out but making sure your trash is properly stored in a bin or garbage bag is important since bugs love to eat off thrown away food.

TIP #2: Repairing cracks within your home, walk around your home and look at the walls or floor and see if you can find cracks that can be easy access points for bugs and properly seal them.

TIP #3: Maintaining your yard. Be sure to put down the correct pesticides and make sure your yard is mowed since bugs love to live in long grass, especially during the summer time.

TIP #4: Check windows. Always check your windows and make sure they are properly sealed. It also might be a good idea to get window screens for extra protection.

TIP #5: Check the foundation. Go into your basement and look for patches of light coming through the foundation of your home which can be easy access points for bugs and pests.

TIP #6: Call pest control. A pest control service is always very useful.

TIP #7: Leave firewood outdoors. Now that winter is over, if you have any leftover wood in your home or garage it is smart to put it as far away from your home as possible since bugs love to live in wood.