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2 Minute Drill: Patrice Bergeron is Top 4 greatest Bruin of all time

2 Minute Drill: Patrice Bergeron is Top 4 greatest Bruin of all time
This is sportscenter 5, 2 minute drill. One of the best lines in movie history I think is from as good as it gets when Jack Nicholson tells Helen hunt, you make me want to be *** better man. And in all sincerity, I could say the same thing to Patrice Bergeron when I see how he comports himself in every situation, how he is with his kids, how much respect he gives two teammates, bosses, fans, the media and staff. And I think to myself Patrice Bergeron, you make me want to be *** better man. I would also like to be gracious and kind in all situations. I'm sure I could work *** lot harder at my craft and still never come close to working as hard as he does at his Bergeron got to the Bruins in 2003 the same year I got to channel five. So I've had *** front row seat for his entire career on the ice and off the ice. It has been exemplary, he plays the game the right way and by all appearances he lives his life the right way. His teammates look up to him. His coaches rely on his leadership. It's rare that anyone is *** role model for both Children and adults, but Bergeron measures up to that standard. And while this next statement is sure to be debated, Bergeron is *** top four greatest bruin of all time, he's third in games played and fourth in goals, assists and points. He's also third in game winning goals, that's enough 3rd and 4th to put him in the top four. He was also tremendously impactful in the Bruins Stanley Cup run in 2011, finishing with 20 points in 23 games before raising the cup and someday and possibly someday soon They'll be raising Bergeron's number 37 to the garden Rafters. Bergeron has let people know he's thinking about retiring and some have suggested he might play for another team. Either way, he may have played his last game for the Bruins. Bergeron has earned the right to make whatever move he deems best for his family and himself. And if you remember Helen Hunt's response to Jack Nicholson wanting to be *** better man, she said that's maybe the best compliment of my life and that's why I borrowed it from Nicholson's character because I wanted to give Patrice Bergeron the best compliment I could. Mhm
2 Minute Drill: Patrice Bergeron is Top 4 greatest Bruin of all time
One of the best lines in movie history, I think, is from "As Good As It Gets" when Jack Nicholson tells Helen Hunt, "You make me want to be a better man." And in all sincerity - I could say the same thing to Patrice Bergeron.

One of the best lines in movie history, I think, is from "As Good As It Gets" when Jack Nicholson tells Helen Hunt, "You make me want to be a better man." And in all sincerity - I could say the same thing to Patrice Bergeron.
