Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Board Meeting Minutes

Gary Murrell, director of The Beacon speaks to the Bourbon County Coalition on Nov. 6 about the agency.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition Board

Meeting Minutes


May 3, 2022


  1. Welcome and Call to Order:  Patty, Shana, David, Elizabeth, and Billie Jo attended.


  1. Approve March 1 minutes:  Patty moved, Elizabeth seconded, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the March 1 minutes.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  2. Family Assistance Recap: Since January, we have helped 7 families, including 17 children, for an approximate total of $1,865.83; another request for approximately $318 is pending.  Billie Jo noted that we are somewhat under budget for the year so far.
  3. Bank Balance as of February April 28: $54,245.32
  4. Families for Hope (Kim Rose) – $300.00. Billie Jo noted that following the discussion about helping with this request during the March meeting; she researched and found our amount of assistance in the past was $125 – $150 per year.  However, the committee decided to donate $300 since we have not donated during the Covid seasons and this amount did not put us over budget.


  1. Old Business:
  2. Bank signature cards. Billie Jo will contact UMB to explore what all needs to happen to add David’s name to our bank account; she will also contact Sue to get her thoughts on the treasurer’s position.
  3. Board secretary.  Shana has volunteered to be our secretary; our job is to remind her before each meeting to bring her computer.
  4. We need a June program (and all programs starting in August). Billie Jo asked board members to let her know of interesting topics that might make good programs for our General Coalition meetings.


  1. New Business:
  2. 2022 Swim pass program: approve applications. Members spent time perusing the 28 applications; one application needs further consideration due to Buck Run’s report of misbehavior; all others were approved.  Billie Jo will contact Chasity Ware, pool manager, to ensure that all are deserving of passes.  Billie Jo also informed the board that she had visited with Kelly Zellner, City Manager, to enlist help from the City with the cost of the passes.  She will be giving a presentation/plea at the City Commission meeting later this evening.
  3. Kansas income tax filings. Billie Jo will contact Sue to ensure this is completed before the end of May.



  1. Open Forum:  Members enjoyed visiting and discussing issues but no other business was conducted.


  1. Adjournment:  Next General Membership meeting – May 4, 2022.


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