James Earl Jones Was Only Paid $7,000 For His Role In "Star Wars," And He "Thought That Was Good Money" At The Time

    "He hires a guy born in Mississippi, raised in Michigan, who stutters. And that’s the voice."

    James Earl Jones may have created the iconic voice of Darth Vader — but he definitely wasn't compensated how you'd expect!

    A closeup of James

    When the actor signed on for Star Wars: A New Hope back in the 1970s, he was only paid a few thousand dollars for the role...and he was actually really excited about the payday at the time.

    James poses with someone in a Darth Vader outfit

    In a recently resurfaced AFI interview, James explained that he was cast when director George Lucas didn't think the voice of the actor portraying Darth Vader fit the role.

    James shakes hands with George

    "George wanted, pardon the expression, a dark voice. So he hires a guy born in Mississippi, raised in Michigan, who stutters. And that’s the voice. That’s me," James explained.

    Darth Vader enters a room in a cloud of smoke

    James added that he felt that he "lucked out, from all these so-called handicaps" for the job which only paid him $7,000.

    A closeup of James

    He went on to say, "I thought that was good money. And I got to be a voice on a movie!"

    A closeup of James in a recording studio

    James was later invited to return for The Empire Strikes Back, but when George found out that James wanted to make Darth Vader "more subtle" and "more psychologically oriented," he was immediately shot down.

    "He said, 'We don’t know what we did right, so let’s just try what we did...What we’re finding out is you need to keep his voice on a very narrow band of inflection because he ain’t human, really,'" James recalled.

    A closeup of James in a recording studio

    Obviously, the iconic voice that James created in the first film has stood the test of time as he went on to voice Darth Vader in numerous other Star Wars flicks!

    Hear all that James had to say below.

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    American Film Institute / Via youtube.com