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You Can Rent A Glass Kayak & Explore An Enchanting Emerald Cave In Arizona

It's the guided tour of a lifetime.

A clear kayak on a beach between rocky cliffs. Right: A woman kayaking in the Emerald Cave.

A clear kayak on a beach between rocky cliffs. Right: A woman kayaking in the Emerald Cave.


There's no denying that the Grand Canyon State is filled with hidden gems. One in particular always catches our eye. With clear kayaks in Arizona, you'll be able to explore an enchanting Emerald Cave, like never before. Trust us, this one is for the books.

If you thought coastal cities had the monopoly on glass kayaks, you're in luck. Vegas Glass Kayaks offers desert locals and visitors the option to explore the Colorado River in these small see-through boats.

Their half-day Emerald Tour starts at $195 per person and includes complimentary bottled water, a gourmet picnic lunch, your boat, paddle, and life jacket.

Along the way, you'll get to visit ancient petroglyphs, take a brief hike to the Gauger house, explore the Emerald Cave, enjoy a picnic on the beach and then casually paddle downriver back to your launch area.

This is seriously weekend goals!

One of the best features of this tour is that it's perfect for beginners. That's right, no previous kayaking experience is required. Plus, you'll have an experienced guide with you the entire time.

Reservations can be made online and these excursions occur every day at 10 a.m..

If you prefer to go with your BFF or SO, you can opt for a tandem kayak. You'll share the same ride and have your own paddle. It's $300 or $150 each if you split the cost.

During your excursion, your knowledgeable guide will share their wisdom about the surrounding area. You may spot some wildlife like bald eagles and big-horned sheep along the way too.

If you want even more outdoor adventure, you can go on a full-day Black Tour.

It's a four-mile adventure exploring the Colorado River that will go down in history as one of the best days ever.

It's the perfect trip to take if you want to try something new. Plus, being able to see the water beneath you as you paddle is the ultimate treat.

Vegas Glass Kayak Emerald Tour

Price: From $195 per person

Address: Willow Beach, AZ

Why You Need To Go: You can visit the beautiful Emerald Cave in a clear kayak.


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

This article has been updated since it was originally published on February 18, 2020.

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