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Toronto Resto Named Best In The World For Italian Food Is Getting A Panoramic New Location

You can enjoy 360-degree views of the city and lake.

Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario. Right: Don Alfonso 1890.

Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Ontario. Right: Don Alfonso 1890.

Senior Writer

An award-winning Italian dining spot is getting a permanent location in Toronto, and you can feast on pasta while enjoying unparalleled views of the city.

Don Alfonso 1890 has just revealed that it will be opening in what was once the Toula space at the Westin Harbour Castle. The restaurant does not have an official launch date yet, but it plans to welcome guests as soon as the end of June.

This will be Don Alfonso's first permanent location in the city, as it previously operated as a pop-up in Casa Loma's conservatory. The venue was named the best place in the world for Italian cuisine outside of Italy by 50 Top Italy this year, and also received an award for Meal of the Year 2022 for its multi-course tasting menu.

Located on the 38th floor, the new space in the Westin Harbour Castle will add a whole different experience to your meal, as it features panoramic views of the city and Lake Ontario.

"The space itself will have a 360-degree view of Toronto," Nick Di Donato, President and CEO of Liberty Entertainment Group, tells Narcity. "We have been looking for the right fit for Don Alfonso for a permanent location. We're very fortunate to have found a spectacular venue."

The new restaurant will have an "incredible" design, including furniture and banquettes created specifically for the panoramic space. It will also have works by artists such as Damien Hirst.

"We believe art is one of those things that inspires people and really elevates the experience of the restaurant," Di Donato says.

As for the menu, you can expect the same Italian cuisine featured during the pop-up. "We will continue to do our award-winning tasting menu, and obviously we do have à la carte, and we will change the menu on a seasonal basis," Di Donato explains. "But we will start with our award-winning tasting menu which was named the best dinner in the world for 2021."

"We will continue that that excellence in culinary experience for Toronto [...], now we've just added a whole new feature which is a world-class experience in terms of the venue itself."

Reservations for the restaurant can be made online, and spots are already filling up. You can look forward to enjoying an Italian meal with spectacular city views at this upcoming spot.

Don Alfonso 1890

Price: 💸💸💸

Cuisine: Italian

Address: 1 Harbour Square, Floor 38th, Toronto, ON

Why You Need To Go: This award-winning Italian restaurant is getting a permanent location in Toronto with panoramic views of the city and lake.


This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

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