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GREENVILLE. N.C (WNCT) — We all know how majestic and beautiful the wild horses at Corolla are to see. Now, a documentary that has already won several awards, is allowing people to experience their beauty and history, too.

“The Secret of Corolla” is the story about the wild colonial Spanish horses found on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and how they have made those islands their home for more than 500 years. The film has been selected by three festivals for presentation.

Recent wins include The Foothills Film Festival in Shelby – Award Of Excellence in Documentary Filmmaking; The Equus Film and Arts Festival in Ocala, Fla. – Runner-Up Best Film Overall; and The Beaufort Film Festival in Beaufort, SC.

Not only does the movie show the perseverance of the horses but the people who live in the Outer Banks. Through devastating hurricanes, swarms of biting flies, increasingly hot temperatures and the constant threat of developing the islands into prime vacation property, these horses and the locals continue to share the island. They have found a way to live together in a most uncommon accord, and they have created an incredibly remarkable and uniquely wondrous place.

9OYS spoke with Jerry Thompson, who is the director and producer of the documentary. Click the above video to find out more. Go to the documentary’s website to learn more.