Augusta, Ga (WJBF) – Former Augusta Mayor Bob Young going public with his thoughts on how Mayor Hardie Davis is running the office.

“It’s a disservice to past and future mayors to allow the office to be demeaned and tarnished,” said Young.  

Davis coming under fire for use of city credit cards and violating state campaign finance laws. 

Prompting Young to send a letter to Chief Judge Daniel Craig, requesting Craig empanel a special grand jury to investigate the allegations.  

“I think there is enough out there, and it’s in the public domain I think the allegations  need a thorough airing that is an appropriate forum to do it, it’s a credible forum, they have the authority to do it,” said Young.

Young going public with his call for a special grand jury speaking to the Lions Club.

Young saying a special grand jury would have the authority to obtain records and testimony, but a special grand jury investigation would likely take more than a year to complete, with Mayor Davis term ending in December.

“There is no deadline, on accountability in government people’s feet have to be held to the fire let the chips fall where they may,” said Young. 

Young saying this would be a civil grand jury investigation not criminal so instead of issuing an indictment it would issue a presentment, 

“If there is evidence of crime in the presentment that it can be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency for further review,” said Young.

Young says he has had no response from Judge Craig on his call for a Davis special grand jury.

Late Tuesday’s the Mayor’s office releasing this statement on Young’s actions 

“Former Mayor Young is now a private citizen, and, as such, he is free to offer his opinion to Chief Judge Craig.  However, he is no longer Augusta’s Chief Executive and therefore lacks the authority to call for a Grand Jury investigation as he previously did regarding the Augusta Fire Department.   

 I suspect that you are aware that Judge Craig and the judges of the Richmond and Columbia judicial circuits (based upon applicable legal authority) have recused themselves from participating in matters involving the Office of the Mayor and me.

I am confident that the Court will continue to comply with applicable law and take every precaution to prevent the Court from being dragged into political issues and decisions.   

Public funds have already been expended to conduct an audit and investigation by Augusta Accounting firm Serrotta Maddox and Evans.   

Moreover, this issue continues to be discussed by the City’s elected leaders.  I believe that it would not be wise for the Court to insert itself into this discussion and may only lead to a further loss of confidence in our judiciary.” Keona Shaw on behalf of Mayor Davis.