Prayer vigil announced, family identifies 17-year-old George Wythe student killed in shooting

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Four teenagers were shot in the Richmond area last weekend –two of the victims died as a result of their injuries.

The 17-year-old victim of one of the tragedies has been identified by her family as George Wythe High School student Samiyah Yellardy.

On April 10, police were called to the 2200 block of Afton Avenue for the report of a shooting. Yellardy was found by officers, and pronounced dead at the scene.

There will be a candlelight prayer vigil at the student parking lot at George Wythe High School on Wednesday, April 13 at 5 p.m.

The announcement asks for individuals to bring their own candles, and to wear purple and white colors in honor of Yellardy.

Samiyah Yellardy, Vigil Announcement