This Restaurant Has The Best Pancakes In All Of Nevada

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Pancakes are a classic go-to for breakfast. You can dress them up any way you'd like by adding different toppings and ingredients such as chocolate chips, blueberries, whipped cream, and the always-pleasing maple syrup. Some pancakes even have a unique twist with added secret ingredients that set them apart from others, such as sour cream, potatoes, blue corn, and brown sugar.

So which place in Nevada has the best pancakes? Eat This, Not That! compiled a list of each state's tastiest pancakes so you don't have to figure that out for yourself. But let's be honest, a pancake tasting doesn't sound like the worst idea.

According to Eat This, Not That!, the best pancakes in Nevada come from Stacks and Yolks in Las Vegas. The restaurant's Facebook page says that it serves up "fluffy pancakes, sizzling skillets, and some really juicy burgers."

Here's what the website says about the restaurant:

"At Stacks and Yolks, you can choose from one of the pre-made pancake options, or you can get creative and make your own stack with a choice of how many pancakes, what flavor batter, and what toppings you want."

Click here to view the restaurant's website.

Click here to see the best pancakes in each state.

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