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Staff headshot of Kari Pugh.

The wild horses of the Outer Banks have a new addition. The first foal of spring, born early last week, has been spotted with mom.

Meg Puckett, herd manager for the Corolla Wild Horse Fund, said the baby is a male and they’ve named him Charlie. All wild foals born this year will have names that start with the letter “c” after caretakers began using an alphabetical formula in 2020.

Charlie, the first foal of the season born to the Outer Banks' wild horses, has a tornado-shaped blaze marking.
Charlie, the first foal of the season born to the Outer Banks’ wild horses, has a tornado-shaped blaze marking.

Nine foals were born to the wild herd last year, with four to six new births each year on average. The Corolla Wild Horse Fund manages the herd of about 100 wild mustangs roaming the four-wheel-drive beaches of the northern Outer Banks, and a rescue farm of about 15 horses.

Caretakers are reminding beachgoers to keep their distance from the foals, whose first few weeks are precarious.

“We really cannot stress this enough,” Puckett said. “It’s imperative that they have time to bond with each other, and stress can cause all kinds of issues with both mom and foal. If you are lucky enough to see them, please be respectful and responsible.”

The Outer Banks' wild horses have a new family member after a foal was born this week, the first of the season.
The Outer Banks’ wild horses have a new family member after a foal was born this week, the first of the season.

A Currituck County ordinance prohibits approaching within 50 feet of the wild horses, and the rule applies when you’re inside a vehicle, too, Puckett said.

Kari Pugh,