Fishers Island Ferry District says Good-Bye to Gordon Murphy as Island Operations Manager

by Jane Ahrens
Ferry seal

Gordon Murphy has spent the last ten years as the on-island face of the Fishers Island Ferry and is retiring on February 28, 2022. His tireless and never-ending efforts on behalf of the FIFD will be greatly missed.

If you have traveled to the island in the last 10 years, you have run into Gordon. He has met almost every boat, worn every hat needed on the island, and always took his job seriously. He managed the airport through storms, lighting upgrades, and countless hours of FAA calls. He navigated the ferry financial team through some tough times and helped us build the great accounting team we have today. He has overseen the island freight team as we weathered a pandemic and saw our freight numbers increase ten-fold, and he was always willing to help you get that missed medicine or emergency package.

As the senior team member on Island, he has also been involved with all the “other things” that fall under the ferry’s management – managing our tenant properties, working with our non-profit tenants, Walsh Park, Lighthouse Works, and Friends of FI Theater – and leading our resident pass program. Things the public never saw that the commissioners counted on include the hours of time spent helping us navigate our relationship with Southold through our Board materials, ferry financials, all things civil service and HR, and much more. He was an integral part of the search that hired our FIFD Manager, Geb Cook, and along with Marine Operations Manager Jon Haney, that team has worked to help us navigate repowering and repairing the Munnatawket and Race Point. Gordon’s job description was all-encompassing and ever-growing and his attention to it was impressive.

Gordon will continue to be a contributing member of the Fishers Island community and we all wish him the best in his retirement. Navigating the reservation lines leaving Fishers on a holiday weekend (along with much else) won’t be the same without him.

Gordon, thank you and congratulations,

Fishers Island Ferry District Commissioners

 Andrew Ahrens
Heather Burnham
Tom Cashel
James Reid
Dianna Shillo

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Juxtaposing more than four generations of engineering – witnessed the morning of November 23 when the first of the Ørsted Wind Farm towers traveled from New London. Photo Credit: Todd McCormack.

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