Weird First Trailer for Strickland's 'Flux Gourmet' with Asa Butterfield

February 7, 2022
Source: YouTube

Flux Gourmet Trailer

"Silence from an audience was always my fear. And anything I could do to break that silence became more important than anything else." IFC Films has revealed the first teaser trailer for a wacky film titled Flux Gourmet, a sort of strange indie horror dark comedy about a "food collective", made by the director of Berberian Sound Studio. Their goal is to produce art and explore the sounds created by food. Uh, yeah. Set at an institute devoted to culinary and alimentary performance, a collective finds themselves embroiled in power struggles, artistic vendettas and gastrointestinal disorders. It stars Asa Butterfield, Gwendoline Christie, Ariane Labed, Fatma Mohamed, Makis Papadimitriou, Leo Bill, Richard Bremmer. This is premiering at the 2022 Berlin Film Festival this month before a release coming up this summer. I'm not a fan of Strickland's films, and this looks like he went overboard on the artsy-fartsy let's create art from music and throw food around whatever. Not my jam. But maybe it's your jam? Find out below! Bon appetite.

Here's the first teaser trailer for Peter Strickland's Flux Gourmet, direct from IFC's YouTube:

Flux Gourmet Film

A sonic collective who can’t decide on a name takes up a residency at an institute devoted to culinary and alimentary performance. The members are caught in power struggles, only their dysfunctional dynamic is furthermore exacerbated when they have to answer to the institute's head, Jan Stevens. With the various rivalries unfolding, Stones, the Institute's 'dossierge' has to privately endure increasingly fraught stomach problems whilst documenting the collective's activities. Upon hearing of visits to the gastroenterologist, Elle coerces him into her performances in a desperate bid for authenticity. The reluctant Stones puts up with the collective’s plans to use his condition for their art whilst Jan Stevens goes to war with Elle over creative differences. Flux Gourmet is both written and directed by English filmmaker Peter Strickland, director of the indie films Katalin Varga, Berberian Sound Studio, The Duke of Burgundy, and In Fabric previously. Produced by Serena Armitage and Pietro Greppi. IFC will debut Strickland's Flux Gourmet in select US theaters + on VOD starting this summer - stay tuned for an exact date. First impression? Curious?


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shiboleth on Feb 7, 2022

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