Master Coach (ICF and EMCC), founder and owner of SolutionsAcademy, a global coach and leader education institute accredited by ICF and EMCC.

Many corporations today are aiming for a "coaching culture." A Google search of the term gives you over 150,000 results. HR teams hope to increase staff motivation, staff engagement, growth and, obviously, productivity by creating and fostering a coaching culture in their organizations. Over the last 10 years, the term and the ideas behind it have constantly grown in popularity.

As Dan Pink summarized in his book Drive, people are motivated by "mastery, autonomy, purpose" when it comes to cognitive tasks. Simon Sinek's book Start with Why also encourages leaders to motivate and inspire by communicating the purpose of the task or the organization. As hiring and retaining qualified staff is still one of the main challenges in today's world, creating a motivating atmosphere continues to be very important for the success of a company.

A coaching culture, therefore, seems to fit very well with modern ideas on management and motivation: When leaders act as coaches, they help their direct reports to gain mastery. The two largest coaching organizations of the world, EMCC Global and ICF, both define coaching as a process to help people realize and maximize their potential. A coaching culture will have leaders coaching staff, helping them get better every day. A sense of mastery and experimentation will pervade. Also, a sense of mastery implies that you are learning every day — which means that you will be able to admit your mistakes and learnings freely and safely. What better for the creation of psychological safety, a factor that is crucial for high-performance teams, according to Google's Aristotle study?

Coaches also respect the autonomy of the client, leaving finding solutions and ways forward to the client. Coaching managers and leaders will have less "monkeys on their shoulders" by enabling their direct reports to take decisions and act, leading to yet another highly sought-after factor of organizational success: empowerment.

Coaching is also always goal- and purpose-oriented. When leaders coach, they need to align purpose and goals with their direct reports. The "why" is always at the fore of conversations.

So a coaching culture really does seem to fit the bill when it comes to creating a modern organization. It furthers:

• learning and mastery

• psychological safety

• experimentation, agility and adaptability

• delegation and flat hierarchies

• empowerment

• purpose

Why ditch it, then?

In many companies, HR is desperately trying to convince top and middle management to embrace a coaching culture. They invite leaders to "leader as coach" workshops, have them coached by a professional coach to experience coaching or market a "coaching culture" to everyone who is willing to listen. And as an old saying goes: "If you insist, I will resist." To executives, these well-intentioned endeavors often seem like the next hype or fad which they are confident they can sit out until the next one comes along. So: ditch the "coaching culture."

Well, actually, don't ditch the coaching culture, but ditch the phrase. If you have spent any time around salespeople these days, you will have learned about selling "solutions" and not "features." Advertising a coaching culture is clearly selling the feature. HR is advocating what they will see people do (coach) and not the benefit that the coaching culture will bring to the organization.

So what are leaders interested in? Most leaders live in a fast environment and many struggle with the pace and sheer number of projects on their desks. Having an excellent workforce who can take on these projects and tasks without much of their involvement is a solution that they are surely interested in. Just compare:

"Let's have a workshop on 'leader as coach' — we need to implement a coaching culture in our organization!" to

"I know everybody is overworked — are you interested in a sustainable solution?"

The argumentation stays the same: If you learn to empower and motivate your direct reports, you develop and retain talent. The organization becomes better and better every day, which is the definition of the word "excellence." Inviting leaders to a workshop on "excellence in the organization" sounds much better than "leader as coach."

So: ditch "coaching culture" and aim for a "culture of excellence" instead.

Forbes Coaches Council is an invitation-only community for leading business and career coaches. Do I qualify?

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