
Many people are saying Jesse Watters has been making outrageous statements to drum up publicity for his new show, Jesse Watters Primetime.

If many people are correct, touché, Watters.

Thursday’s edition of The Five got weird during a discussion about Vice President Kamala Harris, during which Watters’ co-hosts frantically tried to cut him off.

The segment’s point of departure was a Politico article stating that the vice president has reportedly “confessed to a stifling sensation that had fallen over her,” and “was struggling to escape the D.C. bubble.”

Jeanine Pirro asked, “So, what would you recommend that Kamala Harris do, Jesse?”

“Join the Supreme Court,” he replied.

“No, then we’d have her for another 30 years,” she shot back. “Are you crazy?”

“She’s acting like a tourist,” Watters said, launching into his bit. “You know when tourists get to a new place, they’re like, ‘There’s a lot of traffic here. I miss my mom. Like, my ATM doesn’t work.'”

He later added, “I wouldn’t try to get out of that bubble. And I’m sorry to say this, but many people are saying this. I’m not saying this, but many people are saying that this sounds like a typical female problem. She’s talking–”

“Jesse,” groaned

Geraldo Rivera.

“I’m not saying that!” he protested, while totally saying that. “I’m saying this is what people are telling me. They say the first female vice president comes in there and every single–every single article is about her feelings. She feels this way. She feels sad. She feels–”

“Stop it, Jesse!” said Pirro, trying to save Watters from himself.

“She chose this job! Watters exclaimed.

“Stop it!” said Dana Perino.

“Stop,” reiterated Pirro. “Jessie, stop.”

Watters finally relented and yielded the table.

Watch above via Fox News.