What conservatives are for


President Joe Biden’s press conference last week was a total train wreck, stoking racial discord and giving Russian President Vladimir Putin a green light to invade Ukraine. He asked one particular question, however, that I would like to address. While discussing the opposition to his radical agenda, Biden asked, “What are Republicans for?”

As former President Ronald Reagan’s chief domestic policy adviser and a leader in the conservative, pro-family movement for decades, I have a pretty good understanding of what conservatives are for. And I’d like to answer Biden’s question because it is, as he put it, “the fundamental question” facing our country today.

Biden and his left-wing allies certainly have their vision for the country. And after they’ve occupied the Oval Office and controlled both the House and the Senate for the past year, 70% now feel we’re on the wrong track, and Biden’s approval ratings are plumbing new depths. On every major issue, more people than not feel Biden’s policies are making things worse. There is an alternative to Biden’s stunning record of failure — record crime, record inflation, record illegal immigration, record spending, and record COVID-19 deaths.

So, what are conservatives for? On values, we are for the sanctity of human life. No more abortion on demand. No taxpayer funding of abortion. Most people are for these things, too. We are for restoring the Constitution and protecting the freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the right to bear arms.

We are for strong families and ensuring parents, not government, control our children’s education. We are for school choice. We are for teaching our children about American greatness and the uniqueness of American founding, not Marxist nonsense such as critical race theory. Most people are for these things, too.

We are for scientific facts, biological reality, and protecting the hopes and dreams of our daughters, not the delusions of men who claim to be women. Most people are for these things, too.

On economics, we are for entrepreneurs and small-business owners, not giant corporations. We are for bringing our factories and jobs home so we don’t depend on countries such as communist China.

We are for energy independence and lower gas prices. We are for lower taxes and tying welfare to work. We are for smaller government so Washington bureaucrats don’t run our lives.

We are for secure borders, and we want the border wall finished. We are for English as our national language. We are for immigration reform that puts skill and merit ahead of “diversity lotteries.” Most people are for these things, too.

We are for safe streets and schools. We are for fully funding our police, and we want criminals in jail. We are for bail being increased, not abolished. Most people are for these things, too.

We are for free and fair elections, and we want commonsense safeguards to prevent cheating and voter fraud. Most people are for these things, too.

In short, we are for everything Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are preventing us from achieving. And we are for anything that stops their campaign to transform America fundamentally into a socialist welfare state.

Gary Bauer is the president of American Values and the chairman of Campaign for Working Families PAC.

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