
How To Print Your Benefit Verification Letter From Social Security

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Sometimes called a “budget letter” or proof of income letter, the benefit verification statement from Social Security is used for several different instances where proof of your status or income is required. These can include mortgage and other loans, rental applications, housing assistance and any other circumstance where you need to prove how much you do — or do not — receive from the Social Security Administration. This letter can also prove if and when you have applied for Social Security benefits and whether or not you have received Supplemental Security Income, according to the SSA.

This letter will also serve as proof of your Medicare benefit and/or disability and can help you apply for other benefits in the future. The letter will have your name, date of birth and all of the benefits you receive. 

The easiest way to gain access to this document is to create an online account through mySocialSecurity. Once you provide your personal information to verify your identity through the third-party verification service ID.me, you will be directed to the homepage. 

From here, you will click on “Replacement Documents” on the right hand side of the screen and then choose “get a Benefit Verification Letter.” You can then view, download and print your letter. 

If you do not already have an account, signing up and creating one is the easiest way to take care of your Social Security needs — whether or not you are a retiree. You can apply for a new Social Security card if you have lost yours and use the retirement calculator to plan for retirement in the most efficient way. If you are retired and receiving benefits, you can perform almost all of your basic retirement tasks, like applying for benefits and Medicare, through the online portal system.

If you are unable to sign up online or have difficulty doing so, you can call the toll-free number for the SSA at 800-772-1213 (800-325-0778 for TTY) or contact your local Social Security office.

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