The roller-skating group tackling loneliness

Kyla Phillips had not put on a pair of roller skates since her childhood.

But during the coronavirus pandemic, an increasing sense of isolation re-ignited her interest in the hobby.

“I had been dealing with a lot of anxiety during parts of lockdown, I couldn’t go to the gym, which would have been an outlet for me," she said.

“So, when things started to open up a bit in terms of outside activity, I talked to my friend about buying a pair of skates and it took off from there.”

Kyla eventually started an Instagram page called Skate Social Belfast. Members regularly meet at well-known landmarks around the city.

This includes the Titanic slipway where the infamous ship was launched.

“There is plenty of room, it’s great ground for skating on and is really well lit," Kyla said.

“It doesn’t really matter where we meet, the main thing is people have told me it has really helped their mental health.

“We’re a real community now and I can’t imagine not knowing these people.”

Video journalist: Niall McCracken