4 ways to clean out during National Get Organized Month

January is known as get organized month and if you’ve started to flip on your New Year’s resolutions, take comfort in knowing that you can clean out and find success even today.

DeClutter Coach Deb Cabral says small changes over time can yield big results and she’s back with four ways we can all clear out this year.

Clear Out Your Kitchen

A great place to get started is often known by many families as the central location of the home. A lot happens in the kitchen and Deb says that when the kitchen is organized, meal planning and meal time is much less stressful. She adds that we can all start by clearing out old and unwanted food from the pantry and refrigerator and make use of the space and food you already have to serve up something sweet.

Find Financial Fitness

For those looking to clean up their spending, starting with little changes can be the key to financial success. If looking at your overall financial picture seems to overwhelming, Deb suggests starting with a daily spending journal and monitoring what you buy each day for a week. Knowing the ins and outs of where your money is going can help you find financial success in the long run, she adds.

Out With The Old…

From finances to fashion, organizing your closet can help set your day off to a good start and Deb says that the best way to make this happen is to make room for what you do wear. Holding onto clothes that don’t fit doesn’t afford you the space you need to make your wardrobe work for you. Instead, she says to get rid of your unused stuff and let it go to a good home by donating or reselling.

Memorable Moments To Last Forever

One of the biggest items we can all organize is our family memories and mementos. Old videos and pictures can take up space on our devices and even in our homes, but Deb says organizing them in one place can help you share in those memories for years to come.

If clearing out is on your list of to-do’s this year and you’re just not sure how to start, let Deb and her team help you. Visit her online at or And for more organization tips, catch her show, “Organization Motivation” Saturday mornings at 4:30 on NewsChannel 9.