CW33 Dallas / Ft. Worth

Mark Cuban launches online pharmacy with generic drugs at low cost

DALLAS (KDAF) — Owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban has launched an online pharmacy alongside founder/CEO Alexander Oshmyansky, that is looking to provide everyday medications at an affordable price.

The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company works with Truepill pharmacy, which its website says is, “…our trusted fulfillment partner to fill your prescriptions. Truepill has a team of accredited pharmacists who will ensure your medication is safe and delivered to your doorstep on time.”

The company offers an easy three-step process: find your medication, ask your doctor to send them a prescription and receive your medications.

In a tweet Cuban wrote, “If you need to buy generic drugs, sign up and try our pricing. EVERYTHING we sell is cost plus 15%.”

Cost Plus Drug Company’s website also answers the question of how the prices are inexpensive, “Our prices are the true cost to get each medication from the manufacturer to you. We cut out the pharmacy middlemen and negotiate directly with manufacturers to get the best possible price. Then, we show you exactly how much you’ll pay for us to keep our business running and how much it will cost to prepare and ship your prescription.”

But that’s not all, on the site’s mission page it teases to a future pharmaceutical facility in Dallas where they will produce their own medicines. For more on the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company, click here.