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You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFs

Start planning for summer.😎

Staff Writer

If you're summer dreaming of a luxurious getaway with your besties, there is the perfect Airbnb destination near Ottawa.

La Forêt Boréale is a spacious chalet in Mont Tremblant that would fit you and up to 15 of your closest friends for an epic weekend away. It is located only ten minutes from the ski resort, where you can hike, ride the gondola up the mountain or have a nice dinner.

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFsTony | Airbnb

You will be completely immersed in nature, nestled in the woods with large windows throughout the house to enjoy the view and feel calm no matter which room you are in. Natural light shines throughout the space.

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFsTony | Airbnb

This large chalet home has five bedrooms and four bathrooms, with all of the amenities you could need including sheets and towels, a washing machine, indoor fireplace, WIFI and plenty of parking space. It is modern yet earthy and there are many natural elements within the décor.

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFsTony | Airbnb

The outdoor patio deck is an atmosphere all on its own, where you could spend hours dining and relaxing. There is a long table that comfortably seats ten people, cozy lounge chairs, a barbeque and area to cook as well as a fire pit down below. Nearby is a rectangular hot tub where you can all soak together.

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFsTony | Airbnb

Everything is set up for the ultimate relaxation. There are tons of cozy nooks and spacious couch areas to find peace and take time to lounge around. Even entrance areas have fun, comfortable seating.

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFsTony | Airbnb

There is a second giant couch downstairs, the spaces to chill seem neverending! Windows open up to another patio area for the ultimate indoor-outdoor situation. There's so much of the house to explore you won't even need to leave. Act fast because this rental is hot, hot, hot.

​​​La Forêt Boréale - Résidences Boutique

You Can Rent This Glam Airbnb Near Ottawa For $90 A Night If You Split It With Your 9 BFFs

Tony | Airbnb



Neighbourhood: Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada

Why You Need To Go: You can feel pure relaxation and luxury in this gorgeous chalet in Mont Tremblant that fits 16 people. You'll be surrounded by trees and only ten minutes from the ski resort.

Prices and terms of occupancy are confirmed at the time of publishing, but they can change at any time.

Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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