Staff changes


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One of our recent stories with longstanding partner The Washington Post looked at the 50 most valuable public companies, many of which tried in the last year to build more inclusive workplaces. The investigation found that Black employees still represent a  fraction of those in the top ranks who report directly to CEOs. And the Post’s Tracy Jan reveals that diversity officers often lack the money or authority to institute real change. The story was based on an extensive survey of those companies by students in the School of Communication’s graduate practicum at the Post, run by IRW Senior Editor John Sullivan. 

Staff updates

Adam Edge was recently promoted to financial operations manager at the Investigative Reporting Workshop. He brings previous experiences in nonprofit management and administration to his role, having worked for  Victory Programs in Boston and So Others Might Eat (SOME) in Washington before spending three years as IRW’s Business and Operations Coordinator. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School and received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard College.

Intern Heidi Kirk leaves IRW to join The Lead with Jake Tapper for a spring internship. She’ll tackle show research, videotape screening, logging, dubbing and other production needs. Haley Murphy, a graduate student and former associate producer at CBS News in Sacramento, fills her spot.