James Gunn Says GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 Will Be Different From What Fans Are Expecting and Gives Update on Holiday Special

James Gunn is hard at work on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and fans can’t wait for the final film in the trilogy to drop. The world that Gunn has built in these films is so rich and so much fun. We know and love these characters so much now, it may feel like we know what we are getting into in this final film, but Gunn assures us that this film will be different from what we may be expecting.

In a recent interview with Collider, the director talked about the movie, its new star, Chukwudi Iwuji, and what Marvel head Kevin Feige is saying about what he’s seen so far:

"It's going great. Chukwudi, who plays Murn in Peacemaker, is one of the main characters in the movie and people are freaking out over how good this guy is. Literally freaking out. I think that I'm really happy. I gave a bunch of scenes to Marvel right before Christmas break. Kevin went... ‘They were all really, really, really stoked.’ But also, it's not going to be the movie people... It's different than what people are going to expect. It's a hard road, but I'm really happy with it so far."

I am excited to hear that. I feel like James Gunn and Taika Waititi are the directors who have come in and really shaken things up in the MCU, giving us movies unlike any we had ever imagined before. Gunn then went on in the report to give an update on The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, saying:

"It's still upcoming in the shoot. We were supposed to shoot one day in LA, and there's too much Omicron around, so we couldn't do it. We're going to have to fit it in. I haven't started yet. I'm excited to. It's fun. The holiday special is... I'm almost jealous of it, even though I wrote it because people freak out so much on how much they love the script for the holiday special that I'm almost like, 'Well, wait. I've got this movie here I've been working on for two years. You love the holiday special that I literally wrote in a very short amount of time.' But, it is really funny and really good."

I love that we will have this special to hold us over before the last movie comes out, but that is only if they get to shoot it! Hopefully they will be able to get to the set soon and safely. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is scheduled to be released on Disney+ this coming holiday season, 2022; The animated short series I Am Groot is also set to hit Disney+ sometime this year; and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is expected in theatres on May 5, 2023.

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