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This Ontario Skating Trail Will Let You Glide Through A Magical Forest For Free

You can skate at night under the stars, too! ✨

This Ontario Skating Trail Will Let You Glide Through A Magical Forest For Free
Courtesy of Township of Laurentian Valley
Staff Writer

You can glide along a 1.5-kilometre ice trail in Ontario and feel transported to a magical winter wonderland.

The Laurentian Valley Skating Trail in the Ottawa Valley takes you through a wooded area full of trees that reach the sky and give you a wonderful winter experience when they're covered with a dusting of snow.

This Ontario Skating Trail Will Let You Glide Through A Magical Forest For Free Courtesy of Township of Laurentian Valley

This forest skating trail is located an hour and a half away from Ottawa, near the town of Pembroke, Ontario. While it is free to visit and use, it is maintained by volunteers, and donations are always appreciated.

You are able to skate the trail daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather depending. They also host special night skating events on Thursday and Saturday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. starting on Saturday, January 22.

On the Saturdays when you can enjoy a night skate, the trail will close an hour early at 3 p.m. for maintenance. Thursdays will still follow regular daytime hours. At night, the trail is lined with sparkling twinkly lights and is a popular event usually attracting over 1,000 skaters.

There is also a 2-kilometre snowshoe trail through the forest, which follows parallel to the skating trail. There are benches and picnic tables that you can use, but there's no warming area, so make sure to layer up.

Laurentian Valley Skating Trail

Courtesy of Township of Laurentian Valley

Price: Free, donations accepted

When: January to March (weather permitting)

Address: 2 Henan Rd., Pembroke, ON

Why You Need To Go: This forested skating trail is a winter dream in the Ottawa Valley. You can skate for free during the day, as well as during special event night skates.


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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