JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) – When exposed to the coronavirus, Dr. Timothy Quinn of Quinn Healthcare said there are three protocols that must be followed.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you have been within six feet for 15 minutes within 24 hours with someone who has COVID, you must stay home for five days to quarantine and then get tested after before turning into the workplace.

If you were exposed and updated on vaccinations, there’s no quarantine required. However, you are encouraged to watch for symptoms and wear a mask.

If you were exposed to COVID-19 and had a confirmed case of the infection in the last 90 days, no quarantine is required unless you have developed symptoms.

Quinn said if you’ve quarantined for five days after testing positive, you can return to the workplace. If you want to get tested, you can, but you don’t have get another test if there are no signs of symptoms.

Quinn also shared your return to work is determined not by the day you tested positive, but it’s from the day you developed symptoms.

In regards to flurona, a combination of flu and corona, many cases have developed across the country. Quinn advised others to get flu vaccinations and COVID-19 vaccinations.