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Snow, falling temps and federal holiday make for perfect ski outing

MERCERSBURG, Pa. (WDVM) — With several inches of snow to start the week, and a federal holiday too, it was a perfect Monday to hit the slopes.

At Pennsylvania’s Whitetail ski resort just minutes north of Clear Spring, Maryland, the slopes were packed with visitors from all over.

“The furthest visitors I’ve had so far this weekend was from Florida,” says Bill Murdaugh, a manager at Whitetail resort. “North Carolina, too. But they come all the way out from Baltimore, DC and the local surrounding areas. They just come up here and have a good time.”

They come from far corners of the globe too. Soledad Pellegrini lives in Alexandria, Virginia but hails from the ski region of Mendoza, Argentina. Her husband grew up on the majestic ski slopes of Germany.

“It’s different,” says Pelligrini. “You know, the town where I’m from they have a higher hill, so it’s slightly different, but this is really great for the family today. The snow is fantastic today. So no complaints.”

Their daughter Luca is unequivocal about what makes this such a rewarding experience.

“When you go down the hill, it’s a lot of fun because you have the breeze in your face,” says Luca. “And it’s very enjoyable.”

Brandon Dukes drove up from Haymarket in suburban Virginia, where he lives in Prince William County. “It’s a perfect day,” he says. “It doesn’t get much better than this on the east coast to me.”

And for young Charlie Compher from the Annapolis area, nothing beats a cold day on the mountain.

“It’s just really fun because you just get to be with your friends and just snowboard,” says Compher.

Weather like this? No school or work to start the week? You just can’t beat it. And it’s still only January. It looks like temperatures will accommodate near-ideal conditions on the slopes through the rest of this week and going into next.