Horror ‘requel’ is a real ‘Scream’

Tara Carpenter (Jenna Ortega) is menaced by Ghostface in 'Scream.' The movie continues the familiar story of revenge and terror in a California town with familiar actors returning to their popular roles.

Near the end of “Scream,” a character remarks that the “Stab” movies lack an enduring big bad villain. “Stab,” the in-universe equivalent of the “Scream” movies, doesn’t have Michael Myers (“Halloween”) or Freddy Krueger (“A Nightmare on Elm Street”).

“Scream,” the “requel” to a quarter-century-old franchise, once again has a double-edged point. You can recognize Ghostface in its familiar form, wielding a knife and terrorizing some hapless individual who usually ends up dead. But Ghostface is an identity that has been taken on by multiple people in the course of five “Scream” movies and a TV show.