Guest column: Sustainable zero waste habits for 2022

By Ryan Call
Outreach Coordinator, Eco-Cycle

It does not have to be Jan. 1 to start sustainable zero waste habits for 2022! Zero waste habits not only reduce your individual environmental impact, but they also contribute towards larger systemic changes making the way we design, create, use and dispose of materials more sustainable. Here are some simple habits and actions you can take to help your community become more zero waste in 2022.

Reflect on your own zero waste habits: A great place to start with developing zero waste habits is to look in your own recycling and trash bins before you take them to the curb for pickup. Are there any items that you can buy in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging waste? If you’re unsure about how to properly dispose of certain products, check out Eco-Cycle’s “A-Z Recycling Guide.” By taking a closer look at your own waste habits you can gain a better sense of how community-wide solutions can fix problems that others are experiencing.

Start composting: Composting food scraps and yard waste is one of the biggest zero waste concerns. Whether you’re interested in starting a backyard composting operation this year or signing up for a curbside composting service, diverting organic materials from the landfill has several environmental benefits. Check out the Town of Erie’s zero waste webpage for details on why to compost and Eco-Cycle’s webpage for instructions on how to start composting in your backyard.

Sustainable swaps: Look around your home, especially in your kitchen or restroom, for wasteful products that can be swapped out for sustainable alternatives. Eco-Cycle created a “How to Quit Plastics Workbook” that contains several examples of items that you can swap out for sustainable alternatives. Not only are sustainable swaps more environmentally friendly, but they last longer and save money over the long run.

Choose to refuse: Did you know that the words “reduce, reuse, recycle” are in that order for a reason? Reducing waste in the first place is always the most environmentally beneficial option. You can “refuse” wasteful single-use items by taking reusable bags to retail and grocery stores, or by letting restaurants know that you don’t need any napkins or plastic cutlery when ordering takeout and delivery. Think of all the disposable single-use items that will never end up in a landfill when you and your community choose to refuse.

Reuse, reuse, reuse!: Compare a disposable paper coffee cup to a metal, reusable travel mug. Which item keeps your drink warmer for longer and is less likely to spill? Reusables are the clear winner! Every time you reuse an item, it’s one less single-use product in the landfill. When you get in the habit of bringing a reusable water bottle and utensils, you are also showing others that you care about sustainability and zero waste. We recommend keeping a zero waste kit in your car or at work for your convenience.

Support zero waste policies and programs: Many waste problems are the result of inefficient, outdated systems that have built up over time. Luckily, if policies (or lack of policies) created needless waste, then newer, smarter policies can fix these problems. You can get involved with zero waste policies and programs by letting local and state lawmakers know that you support sustainable changes to the way your community manages waste.

Remember, the weight of a wasteful culture is not solely on your, or anyone else’s, individual shoulders, and you do not need to be a zero waste expert to help steer your community in a more sustainable direction. Zero waste changes are a community effort and require a diverse set of skills to make happen. Help make 2022 the most sustainable year yet by asking yourself, “What skills and experience do I have that can help my community become more zero waste?”

Eco-Cycle is one of the oldest and largest nonprofit recyclers and Zero Waste organizations in the U.S. Eco-Cycle innovates, implements and advocates for local and global Zero Waste solutions to foster a more regenerative, equitable and climate resilient future. For more information:

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