Is the Apple Car More Than Just a Rumor?

Andrea J.

Andrea J.
April 26, 2024

Is Apple REALLY making a car? Whispered rumors have been swirling for months, with no real concrete answer about the secretive project.

But recently, Bloomberg reported that the cutting-edge tech company is aiming to debut a fully autonomous vehicle by as early as 2025 — only three short years away.

This is a new market that could propel the impossibly profitable stock even higher. And yet, investors would be shortsighted to only keep a close eye on Apple’s latest project.

Because Apple is just the tip of the iceberg in the autonomous vehicle industry — an industry that some experts believe could be worth $7 trillion by 2050.

And you don’t need to wait three years to hear more news on what’s happening — because there are already self-driving cars on the road. That’s why our analysts at The Motley Fool released an exclusive report about autonomous vehicles.

This report reveals three stocks other than Apple that are already profiting off of self-driving cars.

But there’s a twist.

None of the stocks are car companies. Because while many car companies are likely to pivot and profit from this change in how we drive, the car is really the least exciting part. Instead, it’s the tech powering the cars that will really rule the road.

Get in early, before more news swirls around Apple’s cars… before this becomes a multitrillion-dollar industry… before every regular Joe is investing in self-driving cars.

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